
Posts Tagged ‘make money’

Work hard or work smart?

May 15th, 2009

This is a story of Pablo and Bruno or the parable of the pipeline.

Working to get money
Most of us work to earn money. Of course, there are multiple ways to earn money for a living. You could earn a living by working half an hour a day, eight hours a day or twenty hours a day.
You could also work legally or illegally. Except on committing crimes for money which is definitely a wrong way of earning money, there are no any wrong ways of earning money if you are doing it legally or with ethics.

Time VS Money
More often than not, money is earned through the exchange of time.
What’s your rate?
For a simpler example, a promoter is paid $10 per hour to sell products, his/her rate is $10 per hour.
If the promoter wants to get $100 a day, 10 hours would then be spent on working to get the $100. How many hours are needed to earn $300?
Can you work your way with more hours in return to get more $$$?
Do you have time for other things in your life?

More Time = More Money
If more time equals more money, are we going to work extra hours?
Do not forget that we only have 24 hours a day.
If we get less rest that is actually needed, it will affect our productivity and also reduce the working hours we are able to use out of the 24 hours.

Saving and not spending
Are we saving enough with the money we earned? If we work extra hours for it, exchanging hour by hour for the money want, how are we going to spend it?
If we hit a lottery or jackpot, how are we going to spend it?
Should we save it just like our hard earned money or spend it since it’s a windfall?

The case of working harder (Bruno)
In the parable, Bruno worked hard by carrying more pails and also larger pails to get the extra money he wanted. I believe most working people are the same, getting paid for their skills, effort and time, extra pay with extra time and more responsibilities. Health could also be something one sacrifices for money, though it varies between job positions.
There is nothing wrong with the story of Bruno, and if he knows how to save well, I think he could be a very rich man.

The case of working harder or smarter? (Pablo)
Pablo did not work overtime or carry larger pails, but he did work overtime. He diverted his effort to build a pipleline for long term streaming income. He still need to maintain his lifestyle but made an extra channel of revenue for himself. When the pipeline is launched, he had extra income coming in even without working and if the revenue could cover his daily pails, he could have retire!

If you are expecting me to sell something here or getting you to join a network, unfortunately you are going for disappointment.
I do not have a pipeline, but I am seeing this video presentation as something worthy to ponder upon and to share it with you.

Financial management is something worth learning and something which I’m still learning. It’s just that I start to evaluate myself with this story and found out I used to think I should work hard. That have not changed, but I think I should start working smarter now.

Do you have a pipeline? If you do, do you share it with others? If no, maybe you can start thinking of it now?

By the way, I do not think work hard and work smart are mutually exclusive.
Instead of work hard OR work smart we should work hard AND work smart. 🙂

Any pipeline oppurtunity to recommend me?

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