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CentOS LAMP quick guide

March 17th, 2012

Quick guide to install LAMP – Linux Apache MySQL PHP on CentOS server.

Install LAMP

yum -y install httpd php mysql mysql-server php-mysql

This will take a few minutes to download (total package size is 16Mb)

Once its done Yum will say “Complete!” and you will be returned to shell.

Next, you need to set a MySQL root password. Without this, your MySQL server is open to attack, and it WILL happen! Use the following command (WITH QUOTES) to set your root password:

mysqladmin -u root password 'ENTER-PASSWORD-HERE'

NOTE: Single quotes are required

Finally, we are going to set Apache & MySQL to run on startup. This is useful if your server has a power outage or needs to be rebooted as it will automatically restart Apache & MySQL for you.

  /sbin/chkconfig httpd on
  /sbin/chkconfig --add mysqld
  /sbin/chkconfig mysqld on
  /sbin/service httpd start
  /sbin/service mysqld start

To check everything worked, browse to the web servers directory (on CentOS its /var/www/html) and create a new file using text editor called phpinfo.php.

Enter the following code into that file to check PHP is working:

<php echo phpinfo(); ?>

Credit : Ricky Mills

Install MySQL Admin tools

Download from MySQL website at

You will find these useful : MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser.

Select your version for download:

RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 (x86) RPM (bundled dependencies) 5.0r12 19.4M
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 (x86) RPM (bundled dependencies) 5.0r12 17.8M

Or you could try the newer Workbench.

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