
Posts Tagged ‘image editing’

GIMP – a free photo editing software and Photoshop alternative

March 11th, 2010

People are now taking photos more than before and there are many times one would like to edit the photos taken to make them look better and impressing.

I recently recommended a free image editing software to a friend – GIMP.

Usually the first image editing software that comes to mind is Photoshop.

How often do you hear :

Just photoshop it!

This photo has been photoshopped?

Photoshop itself has become a noun.
So popular that it can demand a price of $699.

I am not a professional graphics designer. Although I know that Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful graphics tool, more often than not, I am unable to utilize all the features or stretch the limit of Photoshop.

GIMP is a very good alternative, as most of the functions that I like to use in Photoshop is there. Just like using any new tools, you might need to get some getting used to, but all in all everything looks familiar and it’s easy.
Most of all, it’s open source.
Ok, so you’re not interested in getting the program source code, but that actually means it’s FREE!

Try it yourself.

GIMP is available for installation (not only source code) on Windows and Mac OS X too.

You might also want to follow some tutorials provided for free and then teach me how you accomplished some impressive tasks. 🙂

Open Source, Software , , , , ,